Welcome to episode 79 of the Final Surge Podcast. Today we dive deep into training with coach and author Mario Fraioli. We spend a half hour talking nothing but the 5k. We dive into how to race a 5 and how you structure your training for that race. If you are interested in coahing for the 5k you can reach out to Mario on his website MarioFraioli.com or check out our training plans at Finalsurge.com.
We have a special training episode today where we are going to talk about 5k training. But before we do that I want to spend 2 minutes catching up. We had you on last year, people can learn more about you from episode 27. I think most of our listeners know about your Morning Shakeout Tuesday newsletter, but recently you added the shakeout podcast. I loved your recent episode with Shalane. What made you decide a podcast was where you wanted to go next?
5k Training/Racing
The 5k is unique because it is the shortest race most non-elite winners will do. It’s also my favorite race distance to coach personally because it’s a great mix of endurance and speed. What do you personally like or not like about the 5k?
For this, I don’t want to focus on the couch to 5k. There are plenty of plans and podcasts about that. I want to focus on someone who is really interested in racing a 5k. And that could be someone looking to break their 24min Pr or go sub 19 or even sub 15. We usually talk about training and then get into racing. But today I want to work backwards. I want to start with racing the 5k to understand what we need to work on in training. You take on a new athlete what general racing advice do you have for a road 5k runner?
Racing a 5k is tough. As I tell my athletes you need to learn to enjoy that ride on a pain train. If you are going for it then from 800-5k meters you are probably going to hurt. Do you find there is work you can do to get them used to that feeling or do they need to race to experience it?
If you have someone, maybe a competitive age grouper, not going for the win. How do they race it? Do you like even splits on a flat course for optimal racing?
There is usually a big pack early through maybe 2k then it starts thinning out. Is this because too many people go out to fast?
No, of course,e you mentioned experience racing is the best teacher for racing a 5k. You can be in great shape and still fall apart in a 5k so how do you ride that line between going for it and blowing up?
If you have an athlete who says I have this key 5k I want to crush how long is your recommended program and what should the base look like before they even start that?
What type of base should they be coming off, what should the training look like before the training cycle?
If someone had a 12-week block how much racing can they do before their A race?
You mention faster than race pace work, how do you structure those in?
Walking through a training week
We talked about racing on that edge, how many 'Seeing God' workouts do you do?
What percent of the total volume for the week is your long run in 5k training?
How do you work in workouts that may be specific to the course?
Interested in getting coached by Mario, check out his website